Please inform your views: kunjethy@gmail.comIN THE PICTURE: ARCHDEACON GEEVARGHESE OR MAR THOMA I THE GREAT?Kevin Villoth
[Note from Prof. George Menachery: Both in 1971 and in 1997 when I visited the church to take photographs, and on my other visits to the church the priests and elders of the locality were unanimously of opinion that this was the picture of Archdeacon or Arkhadayakon Gheevarghese of Christ who was appointed bishop of Palayur but did not take charge. Pakalomattom history wikipedia says, " Geevarghese of Christ was appointed as bishop of Palayur, but due to Portugese intrigue he couldn’t be ordained. As Archdeacon’s Position was above that of bishop it is suspected that the may have refused the position also." Again:Pope Gregory XIII wrote on 5th March 1580 to the Thomas Christians:" But be obedient in the lord to Mar Abraham , your Archbishop and to George, the bishop of Palur..."(The Nazranies, ICHC I, Ed. Prof. George Menachery, p.119 from the reprinted book by Mackenzie and its f.n. 46). The same is found in "Epistola Gregorii XIII Pont. qua Clerum et Christianos S. Thomae in oris Malabaricis ..." "Datum ...die quinta Martii MDLXXX.": "Obedite vero in Domino Abrahamo Archiepiscopo vestro, Georgio item Episcopo Palurensi..." (p.158, George Cathanar, The Nazranies, 1998). It was in the light of these findings that I had described the picture to be of Archdeacon Gheevarghese - G.M.